Sunday, June 29, 2008

You know me, I'm your friend, your main boy, thick and thin, I'm your pusherman

I had my lady friend over last night, and I may have scared her a bit because apparently I was talking in my sleep... a lot... and she said there was a period of time that I was sleeping with my eyes open after talking in my sleep. I remember dreaming but not what of, and she wasn't able to tell me exactly what I was saying. I remember as a kid, I would sleep walk from time to time, my parents would find me in the morning sleeping in random parts of the house and i wouldn't know how I got there. And a few times while camping I accidentally collapsed the tent by trying to walk through the walls in my sleep. Be kind of weird if I started walking in my sleep again

I was at my headshrinker this morning told him about all my recent sleeping issues, life issues and so forth, and at the end he tells me he wants to change my prescription, and I had noticed on the way in an advertisement in the lobby for this particular med, and on his office desk was a large file folder with the brand logo on it as well.
I'm sure everyone knows about how doctors, shrinks, and people in the medical field are paid by the pharmaceutical companies to encourage people to take their new stuff. I've been going to this guy for 3 years though, so it kinda makes me lose faith in him that he's pushing this on me for a few extra bucks. I told him I'd stick to what I'm currently taking.

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